Beginning with an extra large, standing deer antler with a bez tine stem, the natural finish was kept. After the interior of the base was hollowed out for thermal purposes, African Padauk and Bolivian Rosewood, each sanding before the next layer to continuously alter the center of gravity for balance. The end result? Another stunning Deer Antler Artist Pipe.
Beginning with an extra large, standing deer antler with a bez tine stem, the natural finish was kept. After the interior of the base was hollowed out for thermal purposes, African Padauk and Bolivian Rosewood, each sanding before the next layer to continuously alter the center of gravity for balance. The end result? Another stunning Deer Antler Artist Pipe.
Beginning with an extra large, standing deer antler with a bez tine stem, the natural finish was kept. After the interior of the base was hollowed out for thermal purposes, African Padauk and Bolivian Rosewood, each sanding before the next layer to continuously alter the center of gravity for balance. The end result? Another stunning Deer Antler Artist Pipe.